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    • Duncan Caldwell
    • Posted on Thu 21 Oct 2010

    Here is a LS routine I have been using.

    Option Public

    Public nSession As NotesSession

    Public naCurrent As NotesAgent

    Public ndbCurrent As NotesDatabase

    Public ndocCurrent As NotesDocument

    Public ndocUser As NotesDocument

    Public vURLParams List As String

    Sub Initialize

    Set nSession = New NotesSession

    Set naCurrent = nSession.CurrentAgent

    Set ndbCurrent = nSession.CurrentDatabase

    Set ndocCurrent = nSession.DocumentContext

    Call ParseURL

    End Sub

    Sub ParseURL

    On Error Goto CommomErrHandler

    Dim vURL As String

    Dim vPairs As Variant

    Dim vLabel As String

    Dim vData As String

    vURL = ndocCurrent.Query_String(0)

    vPairs = Split(vURL,"&")

    Forall vItem In vPairs

    vDelimiter = Instr(vItem,"=")

    If vDelimiter > 0 Then

    vLabel = Left(vItem,vDelimiter-1)

    vData = Mid(vItem,vDelimiter+1)


    vLabel = Left(vItem,vDelimiter)

    vData = ""

    End If

    vURLParams(vLabel) = vData

    End Forall

    Exit Sub

    'treats commom errors


    'This line displays in browser

    Print "Got error on (" + naCurrent.Name + "-ParseURL) #" + Cstr(Err) + " - " + Error$ + " on line " + Cstr(Erl)

    'This line displays on the Domino server console & logs

    Msgbox "Got error on (" + naCurrent.Name + "-ParseURL) #" + Cstr(Err) + " - " + Error$ + " on line " + Cstr(Erl)

    End Sub

    You can then recall any of the args simply by value = vURLParams("argname")

    e.g. url = htt://server/db.nsf/agent?OpenAgent&city=Boston

    you get the city by city = vURLParams("city")

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