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  1. First of all, I'm not talking about modal windows, opened with showModalDialog(), but those opened with window.open().

    In the parent window, create a handle to the function you want to call on exit, e.g.

    [<br clear="all" /><code> exitFunction = myExitFunction; </code>]

    In the popup, you can reference that function as follows:-

    [<code> //...get a pointer to the exit function we will invoke... exitFuncName = window.opener.exitFunction; exitFunc = window.opener.document.forms[0][exitFuncName]; </code>]

    Then you can call it as part of the function that closes the popup window. This might be when the user clicks the OK button, for example.

    [<code> function okClick() { ....... if ( exitFuncName != '' ) { eval('window.opener.' + exitFuncName); } ....... } </code>]

    Note that we check if we have a handle to a function (well, to something anyway) before we try to run it.

    This technique dates back to Netscape 3.x and IE4.x. The only problems I have had are with a particular version of IE5.0x, which are security related.

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