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  1. Image Resources are for Design Elements, so if this is an app allowing users to store images, then you definitely want them to attach or paste the images.

    (I don't think there's any (easy) way to let them create image resources.)

    If by app, you mean simply a repository, for design elements that you (as a developer) use across several databases, then you might want to use image resources, as it lets your design elements *BE* design elements and not data elements that serve the purpose of design elements.

    But there are some problems (i can't remember what) that I had trying to use image resources for browser-based apps. (Although I think Jake's trick of putting the base href on every page and making all hrefs relative to that would fix the problem I had... my problem had something to do with the URL changing between forms and documents, so that it would work in one or the other but not both, so you'd never have good links unless they were all absolute....I don't remember more than that... sorry I'm rambling...)

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