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    • larry lizzard
    • Posted on Tue 26 Apr 2005

    Hi Jake,

    When I try to use the Export to Excel on large views, I get the following error:

    Error 500 HTTP Web Server: Lotus Notes Exception - Insufficient memory - thread local heap is full

    In the Help file of 6.0.5 it says:

    "JavaMaxHeapSize Syntax: JavaMaxHeapSize=number of bytes Description: Specifies the maximum--not initial--size the Java heap can reach. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) starts out at 16MB of heap space and most of it is uncommitted. If the JVM needs more heap than it currently has, it will expand the heap in increments but will not exceed the maximum. Exceptions such as "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError" indicate that a heap has reached its maximum size..."

    I have put this on 1Gb (having 4Gb of memory available, W2K server), but to no avail. Do you know what to do?


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