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  1. If I was aiming in that direction myself at the moment, I'd learn visual objective C as it's where iPhone / iPad apps are at right now - and that is a market where per seat sales might actually make you some good money if you have something useful a lot of people will like. Brother of a friend wrote a guitar tool kit of some sort for the iPhone and has sold several hundred thousand seats at $8 per. Do the math. :-) This is the exception to my suggestion above. If you're going to write a domino tool or a web authoring tool or a toolkit or something that a subset of the population (developers?) will use, I think it's best built with recurring revenue.

    I know monetizing your blog has long been a sensitive topic, but it would be a low start up cost place to start. Subscribers pay for more regular, more in-depth articles and get it a month or two in advance of it being put public. Subscriptions could be automated with recurring paypal payments or yearly payments. You're a natural writer and it would mesh well with what you're doing already. Codestore Premium. Maybe people who remind you to thank your Dad get a discount or something. ;-)

    Through CodeStore Premium you could also release sample code where as non-subscribers would be asked to chip in a token payment for it. Wouldn't be hard to knock together a download key system. Paying subscribers could also have something like email access to you. Sharing is sublime when you're flush, but these days, time is money and what you offer saves other people both and is hence worth some small reasonable payment... Half a quid a month maybe.

    I really think you have some quick potential here with minimal investment.

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