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  1. Not sure if anyone is interested in this anymore, but I had a requirement for cross-domain scripting that was "GET"ing data from an https (SSL) webpage. For those that *are* interested, I have stumbled across a solution.

    The solution builds on Jeff Crossett's suggestion of passing a url to a LotusScript agent which means that my solution will only work on wintel - apologies for those on other O/S environments.

    If you use Jeff's code then the Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP object returns the error:

    "msxml3.dll: The certificate authority is invalid or incorrect"

    The magic line that prevents the above error?

    xmlhttp.setoption(2,13056) ' ignore SSL errors

    So the code you need is:

    'initialise relevant objects, including the string url which is the path to your https website e.g. url = "https://www.blah.com"

    Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")

    Call xmlhttp.setoption(2,13056) 'ignore SSL errors

    Call xmlhttp.open("GET", url, False)

    Call xmlhttp.send()

    print xmlhttp.responseText


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