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  1. I've used a DIV or SPAN block to the same effect in the past. Eg:

    [<DIV id="myfield">CFD field here<DIV>]

    When Domino returns the CFD value (as text) in the document it can be read by Javascript:

    var myvalue = document.all.myfield.innerTEXT;

    which seems to work fine for simple (text) values, but I've never used it for dates although I suspect it would work OK. I guess NN users will know what to do instead of using 'document.all' (I don't code for that platform).

    Jake, this site is so great! Although I am an "experienced" Notes (client) admin/coder (CLP in both) my Domino web skills are pitiful. This web site has enabled me to really get to grips with Domino's idiosyncracies, as well as getting a whole raft of ideas.

    Well done, mate!

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