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  1. Long time reader - first time poster.

    I never bothered learning JS for validation - have always used this technique. Now that you point out the JavaScript in the address bar - yikes !

    Anyway, I place all of the code in the Submit button. No agents, no WQS.

    I use one or more CFD errormessage fields and the formula includes @Return. If an error condition is found, then @Return, else do nothing (fall through to the next statements which save and redirect). @Return will reopen the document with the error message displayed but will not save the doc. SaveOptions is not necessary.

    Below is sample formula:

    t1 := @If(Name = ""; "Name"; ""); t2 := @If(City = ""; "City"; ""); t3 := @If(State = ""; "State"; ""); t4 := @If(Email = ""; "Email"; ""); tall := @Trim(t1 : t2 : t3 : t4);

    @If(tall = ""; ""; @Return(@SetField("ErrorMessage"; "Please supply a value for: " + @Implode(tall; ", ") + ".")));

    @Command([FileSave]); @URLOpen("/" + @WebDbName + "/Profiles?OpenView" )

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