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  1. Load the view into a javascript array...

    [passthru HTML]<script> [passthru HTML]function CustomObject(a,b,c,d){ [passthru HTML]this.a=a; this.b=b; [passthru HTML]this.c=c; this.d=d; [passthru HTML]} [passthru HTML]thedata=new Array; [embed a view*] [passthru HTML]</script>

    In the first column of the view

    "thedata["+@DocNumber+"]=new CustomObject(escape(\'"+@ReplaceSubstring(@ReplaceSubstring(FIELDWITHDATA;"\'";" `");"\"";"`")+"\'),"

    Subsequent columns

    "escape(\'"+@ReplaceSubstring(@ReplaceSubstring(FIELDWITHMOREDATA;"\'";"`");"\"" ;"`")+"\'),"

    last column

    "escape(\'"+LASTFIELDDATA+"\') );"

    Now all your data is stored in a javascript array.

    Using innerHTML methods you can display them in any order you want within a table, or you can document.write a nice table with it.

    The bonus is you can sort the array, so you can switch which column you sort by faster, since you don't have to go back to a server.

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