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  1. Hi Jake...

    Oh Lord of the CodeStore.... You may smite me down after this reply, but have you ever done/thought of this!!!

    With regards to Domino and counting of documents in a View. Whenever i need to do this, i create a computed field called "Total" that extracts the "&total=" value from the Query String.

    If the query string does not contain this value, then i perform an "@DbColumn" or "@DbLookup" to return the list of the documents in the View. From this i use the "@Elements" to extract my view total.

    --- Total Field Value ---

    t1 := @Middle(Query_String; "&total="; "&");

    @If(t1 <> ""; @Return(t1); @Success);

    t2 := @DbColumn(""; ""; "View"; 1);

    @If(@IsError(t1); 0; @Elements(t1))

    --- Total Field Value ---

    Although this will fail for HUGE views, it works for most. Also, because the Total calculation is done once and then passed to the "Next" & "Prev" pages, it processes pretty quickly.

    --- Next Link ---


    --- Next Link ---

    Using the Total field i can then calculate when to Show/Hide the "Previous" and "Next" links.

    --- Hide Previous Link ---

    Start = 0 | Start = ""

    --- Hide Previous Link ---

    --- Hide Next Link ---

    Start + Count >= Total

    --- Hide Next Link ---

    The Exact coding above may not be 100%, but the logic is sound!

    Anyway, just thought i'd throw my oar in!



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