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    • Jake
    • Posted on Tue 7 Oct 2003

    Justin. Good point. FTP is insecure by defalt. Not only FTP though. When you login to Domino using standadrd HTTP authentication the password is sent as plain text as well.

    The FTP server I used in the example vsftp, which I 'm pretty sure stands for Very Secure FTP. I just tested with Cute FTP and I can change the Type of the site to always connect as:

    SFTP using SSH2 (Secure Shell) The article was meant to remain simple and assumed a one-man network with a PC and a server. Hence, I left security out of the equation. Glad you brought it up though ;o)

    I did think about mentioning SSH when I was talking about CHMODing the HTML folder. Again, I didn't want to complicate things though. Glad you did though ;o)

    Not tried the Windows SSH client you mentioned, but have used and liked PuTTY for a few weeks now http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html


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