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  1. Jake, how would I take the selected document and pre-fill fields on a new document, then open and display that new document? I was trying to do the same thing you were doing with an agent but not successful.

    Here is my agent code: Can you help?

    Sub Initialize Dim session As New NotesSession Dim db As NotesDatabase Dim view As NotesView Dim doc As NotesDocument Dim newdoc As NotesDocument Dim item As NotesItem Dim value As String Set db = session.CurrentDatabase Set view = db.GetView("all") 'Set context = session.DocumentContext Set item = doc.GetFirstItem("processdocs") Forall v In item.values Set doc = db.GetDocumentByUNID( v ) Set newdoc = db.CreateDocument newdoc.Form = "Status" newdoc.Project_Title = doc.Project_Title(0) newdoc.Priority_Number = doc.Priority_Number(0) newdoc.Status_report = doc.Status_report(0) newdoc.Phase_update = doc.Phase_update(0) newdoc.When_get = doc.When(0) newdoc.Phase_get = doc.Phase(0) newdoc.When_update = doc.When_update(0) newdoc.When = doc.When(0) newdoc.Phase = doc.Phase(0) newdoc.Stat_Post = doc.Stat_Post(0) newdoc.SR_Date = Now() 'newdoc.year = Now(year) 'newdoc.month = Now(month) doc.Stat_update = "No" newdoc.Stat_update = "No" newdoc.DocumentNumber = doc.DocumentNumber(0) newdoc.report_date = doc.report_date(0) doc.ParentID = doc.UNID(0) newdoc.NeCom = "y" newdoc.Owner = doc.Owner(0) Call newdoc.Save( True, False) Call doc.Save( True, False) doc.builtflag = "y" End Forall 'Call view.Refresh End Sub

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