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    • Reddy
    • Posted on Fri 1 Aug 2003

    When I use Brats code for my embedded single category view, it is not working properly. I am having around 500 documents in that view. I am triggering this view by the below formula:

    db := @ReplaceSubstring( @Subset( @DbName; -1); "\\"; "/"); view:="$$ViewTemplate+for+assetlistingview"; "["+"<a href = /"+db+"/"+view+"?OpenForm&Start=1&Count=10&ParentUNID="+@Text(@DocumentUniqueID) +"&AutoFramed&count=10&start=1>"+"Click here to view asset listing"+"</a>]"

    Can anyone please explain in detail.

    I need : [<Previous] | 1-10 | 11-20 | ......| 491-500 | [Next>] In the above, I want only first 4 pages displayed. Once user clicks Next, it should navigate to next 5th page. 1-10 will be disappear and Previous will display. How to achieve it?

    Thanks in advance. ***************** With Regards, REDDY

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