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  1. Thought you guys may be interested in some security mapping - basically these maps block anything coming in on {Link} Address and sends it to the default {Link}

    Redirection URL-->URL for IP Address (*default* --> {Link})

    Redirection URL-->URL for IP Address (*.ntf* --> {Link})

    Redirection URL-->URL for IP Address (*..* --> {Link})

    Redirection URL-->URL for IP Address (*/$d* --> {Link})

    Redirection URL-->URL for IP Address (*/$D* --> {Link})

    Redirection URL-->URL for IP Address (*/$%44* --> {Link})

    Redirection URL-->URL for IP Address (*/$%64* --> {Link})

    Redirection URL-->URL for IP Address (*/%24d* --> {Link})

    Redirection URL-->URL for IP Address (*/%24D* --> {Link})

    Redirection URL-->URL for IP Address (*/%24%44* --> {Link})

    Redirection URL-->URL for IP Address (*/%24%64* --> {Link})

    URL-->Directory for (/scripts/* --> cgi-bin)

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