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  1. Would I pay for using Codestore? Unless I'm suddenly rendered poverty stricken I probably would. The amount of stuff I've learned in the passed four months with regards to Domino Web Development from this site (and Jake directly) is considerable.

    It provided that shot in the arm, the initial starting point that stops you just getting lost within the options and the depth of stuff you have to learn.

    I'm still scratching the surface, but Codestore and Jake got me started.

    Now, to something less positive. The success of sites that go to a pay scheme is a rocky one. While some succeed, others see such a drastic drop in their user based that while they are getting paid, they are hardly being viewed.

    It all comes down to content, which is good, but never underestimate the average users willingness to search around for something half as good rather than pay a small fee to get it directly.

    Also, the people posting here are probably a very small proportion of those hitting your site. As most won't even be telling you they appreciate it.


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