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  1. It depends on what you are doing :)

    Any framework/stack that you know in detail will take shorter time because you aldready know the details.

    If you spend some time to pick the right framework for your projects (if you are in that position), then that will ultimately be the fastest. Domino is not particulary fast to develop with, especially if you want "bling", and getting things to look just right can be cumbersome (as we all know).

    With asp.net (and it's actually the same for xpages in Domino), to be really productive, you need to invest, either time or money, to get a good set of "components". Once you have that, it gets faster. With other frameworks, for example Rails or (my favourite) Grails, and I also suspect asp.mvc (is that the correct name?), they also can be really fast, and there are lots of plugins to get you started.

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