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  1. It's a huge pain... but I'm using a combination of ?SaveDocument and ?CreateDocument URL commands or posting to an agent and stripping content from the Request_Content CGI variable, View form formulas, and $$NavigatorTemplates to produce what should be very basic functionality: non-Domino generated Domino Data Management!

    The problem is, for every one of us that complains and wants the option to hand-code our own stuff, there's 5,000 lazy developers that would rather let Domino do it's oh-so-nice rendering... even if it does make 3rd-party solution integration a painstaking ordeal.

    Maybe they're just making it easier for us people who know *how* to hack around these shortcomings to find consulting work... ;-)

    All kidding aside though, for all that Domino can do, it can be a painful process to take it to the next level, and quite frankly has people (such as yourself) looking for more "I'm a geek and I can do my own thank-you-very-much" freedoms in their solutions engine.

    I'm certain that IBM wants to accomodate their product adopters requests... but there's one big issue here: backwards compatability. How many applications would blow up, and how many current "Domino Developers" would break their environments day-after-day if you allowed some of the things that we're asking for? 1/5000 might really thrive with this added functionality, but the 5000 are going to have a hell of a time - which reflects poorly on the product.

    It's been said in the past time and time again that LND can make for lazy developers... and I think that they could be the very root of the issue as to why Domino's not moving forward as fast as it should.

    But I digress....

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