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  1. We just completed some C# and ASP.NET 3.5 training and there are some things that are incredibly good, like web services. Then there are some things that are incredibly difficult, like security. C# does have it's strong points as a language but shares the same problem the ASP.NET name space has - namely an over abundance of methods. Have you seen the .endtag and .starttag nonsense? We were stuck between laugh and cry on that. Granted, it's there for folks who don't know how to compose their output properly but c'mon. .endTag("td") is easier than "</td>"? ... idiosyncrasies aside, you're right. The IDE is a joy to use and there is a lot of good stuff going on in the community.

    Our take away as a consulting group was that we could be very profitable with .NET as more people seemed to want it even though it would cost them more than a comparable solution on Domino. (qualified as about three times as much effort on our part and an order of magnitude more administrators and servers required for the same result).

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