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    • axel
    • Posted on Fri 11 Jun 2010 06:26 PM

    Specializing simply implies the risk to dig yourself into a hole. Programming teaches you that digging yourself into a hole is nothing dramatic. Its normal. You can allways get out, if you see a need. You will loose some comfortability, as you aren't the guy with 10+ years experience with a well respected web site in the community, if you start to do Sharepoint or other notes-unrelated stuff. But, so what.

    You know a lot about working with customers, project management, IT infrastructure, programming.

    If you seriously want to get into sharepoint set yourself goals for each week and/or day.

    I have changed my technological clothes a lot. Currently I am doing more like administration for programmer teams in a huge organization. nagios scripts, jboss, tomcat, apache all on solaris or redhat. Have done lots of enterprise java in the last years.

    good luck that you take the right enough steps for you and your family.

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