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    • Gerry King
    • Posted on Thu 28 Apr 2011 04:00 PM

    3 months after the last comment I know... Glad you have moved on. When you leave the field it really is Domino R.I.P.

    And yet it lives on! There are a lot of document stores out there. CouchDB has a huge amount of Notes datastore goodness. MongoDB gives you much of the same without the weirdness of Erlang under the hood.

    Good luck with ASP-NET. Stay away from JEE - there was a great slideshow done by NASA JPL comparing various languages and frameworks for building web applications. Compares Java, J2EE, Python, Plone, Zope, Ruby, TurboGears on a variety of metrics including time to develop, lines of code, restarts, and "fun". It ain't here any more


    I have been looking for a Django-esque MVC framework that didn't map to a SQL database. Never thought it would be written in Javascript - when I think to the crap I wrote for Notes 4.5 ...

    Still early days with expresso running on node using MongoDB as the datastore and yet it feels so right!

    If you find yourself with not a lot on one weekend try this bootstrap app


    Hope you are never afraid to show your roots on keep codestore going just the way you are.

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