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  1. I often ask myself this. Why oh why should I spend hours, days & weeks tweaking css code to get a layout act as one would like when dealing with dynamic content. Why couldn't we just have min, max widths and heights on divs.

    Imagine this: A 3 column layout with a top and a footer. All with dynamic content that I cannot know the size of beforehand. Why in the name of all gods is this so bloody hard to achieve in AMBAP without resorting to the aboniable table layout. A lot of customers whant the pretty sidebars with their nice background image/colour to stretch all the way down to the footer (not beyound, not somewhere above). Using a table it's a snap. Using all divs & css it's a great pain in the rear end. If one could use css without future-unsafe hacks it would be a blessing. But since most customers want both pagereader compatibility and pretty layout of all pages with all types and sizes of content were bound to have nervous breakdowns.

    Why dont we (all frustrated webnerds) get a list of names to add these small additions to the css standard, and get the browser manufacturers to agree that this is a good thing and adhere to it.

    thank you for rading and good day.

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