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  1. First I just want to say how completely brilliant you are. I turn to codestore whenever I have a perplexing domino issue.

    This solves an isse of mine very handily. I have an application where I have a page with an embedded view which relies upon a querystring paramet, "net", to show the proper embedded view.

    At the bottom of my form I have two different rows of buttons, one with just a NEXT button, and one with a PREVIOUS and NEXT

    My PREVIOUS button looks like this: newstart:=@If(Start-ShowPerPage<=1;1;Start-ShowPerPage);

    @URLOpen(wRelPath+"/wSomeDocuments?OpenForm&start="+@Text(newstart)+"&count="+@T ext(ShowPerPage)+"&NET="+TmpNetValue)

    (WRelPath is the relative path, a seperate useful field.).

    I hide the prev/next row of buttons if Start > my ShowPerPage.

    My next button row I hide if Start>ShowPerPage OR Start+ShowPerPage>Total.

    Works phenomenally, and keeps my NET qs parameter in place.

    Thanks again --Steve Lacher

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