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    • Harold
    • Posted on Fri 20 Mar 2009


    I'm not sure, whether someone's reading such late responses to your articles... but in my actual test using Adobe Flex with Domino I ran into a character set problem:

    My problems are field names with a special character (german Umlaute like ä, ö, ü) and how Domino handles them in a http POST createdocument action: It does not work at all... Flex sends the formdata in UTF-8, the Notes form itself is also set to UTF-8 charset, but a new created document does not receive the values for such fields with "Umlaut".

    I took a HTTP sniffer and looked into Domino-generated forms and tried to figure out, how Domino handles such fields:

    In a Domino-generated HTML form the normal fields get tag with <a name="_RefreshFieldName"></a>, where FieldName correspondents to the real fieldname on the notes form. Field with a special character get a tag like <a name="_RefreshKW__4adq74pb3ddil50b3dc_"></a> with a total cryptic fieldname. :-(

    When the Domino-generated webpage sends the data with the createdocument action, then the POST parameter for special character fields is this cryptic fieldname... and this of course works...

    So, how does Domino create this cryptic fieldname, because this one works, when the Domino Server receives the parameter for a createdocument action...?

    I can use this cryptic fieldnames in my Flex Application, but it can not be the solution to look in Domino-generated code, before I code my Flex applications...

    One result for me is of course: Never use special characters in field names... but these are old Notes databases, which I like to web-enable with Flex...

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