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  1. Using the same principles detailed in the article I added a new usefull command to the context menu called Validate HTML. Which calls the WC3 HTML Valdation service.

    Create a web page with the following code e.g. call validate.htm


    <input type="edit" name="location" value="">

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" defer>

    var win = external.menuArguments; document.all.location.value = win.document.location.href;

    window.location = "http://validator.w3.org/check/referer?uri=" + encodeURI(document.all.location.value) + "&doctype=Inline&ss=&outline=&sp=";

    </SCRIPT> </HTML>

    Then add the appropriate registry entry with an name of e.g. Validate HTML.

    When IE is restarted the Validate HTML option will appear in the context-menu.

    Notes: You must have a live Internet connection for this to work. The Opera browser has this feature built in. The Javascript code above may not be best way to do it as I am not a Javascript guru but it seems to work.

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