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    • Michael
    • Posted on Fri 22 Apr 2005 11:16

    My first computer was a Commodore 64 purchased in late 82 or early 83 (fuzzy memory) :). I had a 300baud Mighty Mo modem which I used for text editing Cobol assignments for school and would upload them to my school account. In the 20 minutes it would take to walk to school, my upload or paste terminal function would barely be finished the transfer. I had a slight advantage over the other students as the lab was closed nights and most of the weekend. I just happened to make notes during my class tour of the computer room full of minis. The bix panel had the phone numbers labelled very nicely.

    As for the C64, still in the attic however the 1701 monitor has been used constantly for the last 23 years as it's hooked up to our vcr and dvd. There's no tv in the house - that's a whole other matter. :(

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