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  1. hi I understand that the basic premise of this discussion is to have have more and more control over how form is submitted rather than leaving everything for the domino to do.

    Nevertheless ,here is one thing you can do ,kinda workaround .It is something similar to what have been suggested in previous threads.

    Create a button with @command([FileSave]);@Command([FileCloseWindow])

    Hide this button (Take care that it should be published on the web).

    Create another button and access the object genereated by previous button(Formulae button)using ID or name (in Javascript) and invoke it's onclick event.(Someone in previous thread has suggested to manipulate or modify the _doclick of formulae event).

    e.g If you give the id to formulae button as "fileSave" Then the code in the second button onclick event will be document.all['fileSave'].fireEvent("onclick");

    This will in turn call the _doclick of the the formulae button ,to make life easy.

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