
Articles by Category - Forms

Form Validator R2.0

This database demonstrates an alternative method of using JavaScript to validate domino forms before their submission to the server. The difference with this database being that the validation routin...

19 Mar 2001 | Keywords: JavaScript, Validate, Submit | Read »

Keyword Refresh R2.0

This code example/template shows how you can use JavaScript to update the choices in a Keyword list that are dependent in a choice made in another multi-choice field. This problem is one that is ofte...

13 Sep 2000 | Keywords: Keyword, JavaScript, Refresh, Dialog, XML | Read »

Creating response documents in the browser

In the Notes client when we create a child/response document that inherits its values from the current document, it is easily achieved, simply by selecting the form property "Formulas inherit values ...

25 Sep 2000 | Keywords: Child, Response, Query String, Inherit | Read »

Common fields subform.

One of the first things I do when starting a new database for the web is to create a subform called "CommonFields" which I will use on ...

29 Sep 2000 | Keywords: CGI variables, path, file | Read »

Create a 'Delete Document' link

Place the following @Formula in to a Computed-Text hotspot (marked as Pass-Thru HTML) on a form in order to create a Delete action. ...

2 Jan 2001 | Keywords: Delete, confirm, link | Read »

Effective use of the FileCloseWindow Command

When designing forms in domino we can easily use some of the same standard actions that we would use in the Notes Client i.e. EditDocument, FileSave, FileCloseWindow. Domino can then translate these ...

18 Oct 2000 | Keywords: View, Close, Submit, URL | Read »

Using Query_String parameters

Using the Query String portion of a URL is a useful method to pass information to a new document. For example when creating a new repsonse document: ..db.nsf/response?OpenForm&ParentUNID=766a4d... Ge...

25 Oct 2000 | Keywords: URL, Query String, Decoded | Read »

Limit amount of input in a field

Have you ever created a form with a field on it that relies on the user entering a "short description" and then had that nagging feeling, knowing that they can enter as much text as they like? This s...

3 Nov 2000 | Keywords: input, length, limit | Read »

Stop double form submissions

I bet the impatient amongst us have clicked a "Submit" button, waited a while, assumed nothing is happening, then pressed it again. I know I have. The effect of such actions depend on the timing of t...

9 Nov 2000 | Keywords: Submit, Button | Read »

AutoTabbing in a form

This is one of those things that you get used to seeing in standard applications on your PC but very rarely in a browser. It automatically tabs from one input field to the next when it is the require...

10 Nov 2000 | Keywords: tab, limit, input | Read »

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