
Felix 3

Felix was three on Saturday and we had a party to celebrate. Luckily, despite the commotion, I remembered to take a picture of him laying on my belly, as we've done each birthday before and we hope to do on all the kids' birthdays until they refuse to.


The fact that he was a willing participant in the exercise this year - he almost enjoyed it - just about sums up the biggest of his changes over the past year. He's now at an age where you can reason and negotiate with him (normally with chocolate). He seems to be out of the "terrible twos" phase after his share of tantrums over the summer, which always seemed to be in public. Never at home.

The testing times are far out-weighed by the joy he brings though and I wouldn't change anything at all about my little sausage face.


  1. Hi Jake,

    Congratulations !!

    Enjoy all the newly arrived.

    Together and Family !


    • avatar
    • Thimo Jansen
    • Mon 14 Dec 2009 05:11 AM

    Congrats! The photo's are nice. My son Stef turns three next Wednesday. This will be first time he really understands what's happening, looking forward to it.

      • avatar
      • Jake Howlett
      • Mon 14 Dec 2009 05:33 AM

      I thought Felix understood it more this year but then he still thinks he's 2. The concept of another year of time having passed since he was born seems a bit much for him. He understood the concept of a party and cakes though!

    • avatar
    • Nick
    • Mon 14 Dec 2009 05:58 AM

    Can't see his other eye....I guess you can blame it on the shirt, or is Dad's belly getting bigger??

    • avatar
    • Jon
    • Mon 14 Dec 2009 07:59 AM

    Happy Birthday Felix!

    • avatar
    • Heba
    • Mon 14 Dec 2009 12:02 PM

    What a cutie! Happy Birthday Felix!

    I have a 17 month old and am incubating #2. What little brains I had left from baby #1, are being taken by #2 :-) We'll see how much I have left come April when #2 arrives.

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful pix.

  2. Jake that is so funny you have a photo ritual like that. I have one as well for my now 4-yr-old son, though it isn't tied to a birthday or other milestone. Ever since he could sit in a playground swing I have taken frequent pictures that catch him at the high point as he swings backward, generally with some expression of glee on his face. It occurred to me recently that I should start shooting video of him moving in and out of the frame as he swings, such that I can splice together several shots taken over years so that he appears to age a little bit with each swing. There was actually a commercial a while back that used that trick to point out that your kid will be ready for college before you know it so you better get your finances in order.

    Just don't forget to take a few blackmail photos (or videos) for use when he's a teenager ;-)

  3. You're going to run out of belly soon, Dad!

    It's amazing how fast they grow. My oldest is coming up on official 6 1/2 soon and looks so very much like her 7,8 and 9 year old companions from church. They grow up much much too fast!! Glad you are memorializing it frequently. Best way to keep the memories. Don't forget to make hard copy backups! I need to print a huge backlog myself.

  4. You're going to have a bugger of a time getting him to lie there like that when he's fifteen or thereabouts...

      • avatar
      • Jake Howlett
      • Tue 15 Dec 2009 03:21 AM

      Kids have a price, no matter how old they are. It's chocolate now. Who knows what it'll be in 12 years' time. A hover board maybe?

    • avatar
    • carleen
    • Sun 20 Dec 2009 12:28 PM

    I remember the first day that my girl responded to bribes/threats. It was a good day.

    The annual picture is so cool! I wish I had thought of that.

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