
Let's paint the town Domino

NSF TagI had to laugh the other day when I rode past this sign. Is somebody trying to spread the word about Notes?

Normally I wouldn't laugh if I saw such blatant vandalism of an innocent sign, out on its own in the countryside. I may only be 28 but I am well on my way to being a grumpy old man. One of my pet-hates is this "tagging", whereby morons scrawl their tags on anything that stays still for long enough.

What I don't mind so much is graffiti. Like on this bridge I went under on the same day. It's not that I like it, it's just that it shows a certain amount of thought and creativity and doesn't do as much damage as etching your name on train windows.


Anyway, part 3 of the LAMP series should be published before the end of the day. In it I start the first steps in creating a PHP equivalent of a Notes Personal Journal database. There's a copy online here if you're not familiar with it (WARNING: Uses Java applets, which may stall your browser!). The reason I chose to convert this database is solely because it's as simple as one form and one view. Hopefully, by using a Notes database as an example, it should make the transition to PHP a little easier to digest. As soon as I've done coding the PHP site I'll pass the link on for your comparison.


    • avatar
    • Paul
    • Wed 8 Oct 2003 06:41

    What a fine advert for our country! Perhaps you could post some images some scenes of hooliganism at England's forthcoming game in Turkey? And while I'm on the subject, could the FA have not waitied until after the Turkey games before banning Rio Ferdinand?? Do they not want us to qualify???

    • avatar
    • Jim
    • Sun 10 Aug 2003 07:01

    That seemed to be a blatant attempt to move to the subject of football :) It takes skill to deftly change subjects like that.

    • avatar
    • Jim
    • Sun 10 Aug 2003 07:03

    Oh, and I hate most graffiti, presumably because the grumpy old man syndrome is fully developed in me at 27. You must be a late starter, Jake.

    And music nowadays. It's just noise. lol

    • avatar
    • Jim
    • Sun 10 Aug 2003 07:06

    Sorry for hogging this, but why does the date and time format change between mine and Paul's posts rather than using server-side time?

    • avatar
    • Paul
    • Wed 8 Oct 2003 07:16

    It is picking up the time from the server because I posted that at 12:41PM, it's just the format that's inconsistent .......... back to football ;-)

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Sun 10 Aug 2003 07:17

    Jim, you're right. Looks like an excuse to talf footy to me. Not going to get me that easy. Football talk bores me. I prefer to just watch.

    The time format thing confuses me too. Keep meaning to investigate but have never got round to it. My guess is that it's Notes being Notes.

    • avatar
    • Jim
    • Sun 10 Aug 2003 07:44

    O. So it shows you local time, but it displays the time in the original format? Somewhat odd. It's very confusing, not least because it looks like Paul's post was done in August, while mine and Jake's were done in October. Dime bar? My local date format is US-back-to-front that still confuses me when I'm giving out my date of birth.

    I love Notes, me.

    • avatar
    • Jerry Carter
    • Sun 10 Aug 2003 07:57

    You can tell the economy is slowing down when grafitti starts showing up on rail cars... I gather they aren't in motion enough to avoid becoming urban canvases. Good time to watch more football, erm - soccer. ;-)

    • avatar
    • Jim
    • Sun 10 Aug 2003 09:31

    ... and at half-time the footie players eat... Oranges. Of which many are grown in Florida. Which is where LotusSphere is in January. Thus, bringing us very neatly back to Notes.

  1. Back to er Soccer - right first time its called football - just soccer to the US to stop you confusing it with your Shoulder Padded version which you should be calling Rugby!

    • avatar
    • Jerry Carter
    • Sun 10 Aug 2003 14:17

    Not only is Florida where Lotuspere is, there are many football and soccer training camps there. It's really all one tightly integrated industry. Domino drives data which drives all those insanely boring player statistics.

    • avatar
    • Jim G
    • Wed 8 Oct 2003 14:52

    Not to be confused with Jim.

    Now lets get this straight. Football is football NOT soccer. American football is just that. Lets face it only the yanks play it for godsakes so what's all this "world series" stuff.

    Rugby on the over hand is Rugby Union and Rugby League is pants. Nuff said.

    • avatar
    • Jim G
    • Wed 8 Oct 2003 14:56

    On the clock. Where I am it is definitely 8 Oct but more like 20:52 than 14:52 which is how I see the post.

    • avatar
    • Ian B
    • Wed 8 Oct 2003 16:53

    football is a generic term to cover any sport where foot hits ball.

    aSOCCiation Rules came to be the soccer we know and love. I only know this because I caught a program on beeb 2 whilst taking time out from a Notes app I was writing. Now how's that for bringing the two togethor! oh and it was about 20:30 (do I get three out of three?)

    • avatar
    • Jim G
    • Wed 8 Oct 2003 18:02

    Point is Ian that we (the rest of the world apart from US) do not refer to it as soccer anymore. That disappeared in the 60's. American's insist on calling it soccer and American football as football with tags such as "world series football" and it really pi$$e$ me off. Only they play it at a serious level so how can it be "world series".

    Jerry Carter (no offence intended) states "there are many football and soccer training camps there" ipso facto the US make claim to the term football as belonging to their version.

    Football - our kind - is the most popular sport in the world. Am I right or am I wrong ? I contend that as the majority we should have the right to have exclusive use of the term "football" or the localised equivalent as a description of the 11 man / round ball / world recognised (apart from US) game that the English FA are doing there damndest to kill on Saturday. Rather like hoover being a generically recognised term for a vacuum cleaner.

    Anyway the Rugby World Cup - really a world event - starts this weekend and that's much more interesting. At the risk of putting the mockers on Clive's brave squad dare I say we even have a realistic chance of winning it ! Fingers crossed ey!

    • avatar
    • kieren j
    • Sun 10 Aug 2003 18:43

    If all that is not confusing enough ....

    In Oz, footy (football) can mean Rugby Union, Rugby League or Australian Rules. Australians, like the US, refer to the World Game as soccer. It serves them right that they can't get to the World Cup.

    • avatar
    • Jerry Carter
    • Sun 10 Aug 2003 18:55

    None taken, Mr. G.

    I'm not particularily married to any particular term myself... having grown up knowing that different words in different languages may sound the same but mean different things. To a Brit, a torch is what we call a flashlight - common knowledge... to us, a torch is a stick with flaming rags on it, hoisted aloft when participating in some time honored social gatherings like lynch mobs and riots.

    So, when speaking American (really, do you want us calling it English?) football means oblong pig skin with sissy pads and some ill-conceived attempt at combining brute force with strategy but leaving out the obvious implements like guns and hand-grenades, and soccer is a round ball with no hands allowed and men with little or no armor crashing into eachother at top speed with arms akimbo. In that context, I hope Jim G will agree our use of the term football is acceptable, despite the fact that most activity between player and ball is with hands, not feet. :-)

    As for the world-series bit, I gather it's because nobody else is daft enough to play American style football, so we (and some strangely roudy parts of Canada) constitute the world with regards to this particular sport, not that I care, endorse or derive income from it. Honestly, could you imagine the Japanese trying to rally a team? Unless there's a glut of unemployed sumo werestlers, I'm seeing a pretty unevenly matched event.

    I'm perfectly happy to present a petition on behalf of proper football fans the world over to the NFL (that's National Football League) suggesting an alternative name for the sport, could one be provided. I'm sure I'm not nearly as lit up about it as Jim G, but the confusion IS starting to wear on me, so I'd be happy to fill that diplomatic role.


    • avatar
    • Jerry Carter
    • Sun 10 Aug 2003 19:00

    On the time issue - It's Illinois, USA time, home state of the server hosting Codestore. The server is having it's way with us all!

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Thu 9 Oct 2003 04:21

    Testing time zone.

    • avatar
    • Jim L
    • Wed 10 Sep 2003 08:48

    I *am* Jim :)

    Football... soccer... it's all pants anyway. Give me a good game of conkers any day of the week.

    I'm in the same time zone as the server (EDT) btw.

  2. Matt was a spray-paint loving grafitti artist... and he informed me that the police had "acceptable" spots all over town that he could do his murals on and they didn't mind.

    I can't speak for every city or country of course, but he knew where he could and where he couldn't paint. :-)

    • avatar
    • Jerry Carter
    • Mon 29 Dec 2003 13:38

    I know this is going to be burried, and it's off topic from what this thread mutated into... but I though it was a neat website, and it relates to the original subject of this blog. :-D


  3. it was good grafiti

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Written by Jake Howlett on Wed 8 Oct 2003

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