
Remote Shut-Down

Last week Mike and I were connecting remotely to a Domino server to see why it wasn't responding in any other way. In the end we decided a reboot was the only option. Being the moron I can be sometimes I chose Shut Down instead of Restart (Mike swears he he told me not to before I hit Ok but I'm sure it was after). Anyway we had to get somebody in another building to go down to the server-room and press the start button. Not the end of the world but a good example of how not thinking about what you're doing affects others.

I'm reminded of this because Jorge Coelho sent me this link to stories of similar stupidity.


  1. This is one for my grandchildren:

    ... and it even happend to Jake once, this rainy day in november ...

    Heads up. ;-)

    • avatar
    • Dave
    • Mon 18 Nov 2002 09:38

    I've been developing Notes/Domino apps for years, but it doesn't lessen the chance of stupidity.

    My best one was just recently when an agent I wrote looped and emailed my Hotmail account 13000 times in just over 10 minutes (the time it took me to figure out what was going on. In my defence, it was 4pm on a Friday afternoon).

    The things that amazed me most were that our servers withstood the whole event, Hotmail didn't tell my bosses, and none of the administrators noticed!.

    • avatar
    • Joakim
    • Mon 18 Nov 2002 12:40

    I'll never forget when I marked a database icon and did a ALT-F-D-D + <enter> instead of ALT-F-D-R + <enter>.

    It only took a couple of days before the administrators where able to provide a restore.

    • avatar
    • Joe
    • Mon 18 Nov 2002 12:46

    My boss decided that it would be a good idea to do a Start - Shutdown as a method of exiting terminal services... "But it closed terminal services down didn't it??" yeah, along with one or two other things. Training has since been administered.

  2. I did something similar the first time I wrote an "Urgent Message Notification" agent... but it sent the messages to a text-message pager. My boss at the time DEFINATELY noticed the $500 pager bill - and I was yelled at by the pager company for flooding the mail servers.

    • avatar
    • Jaap
    • Mon 18 Nov 2002 14:17

    My first and certainly not the last..oops...no kidding...I replaced a company logo of a thirdparty template used by that vendor in other sister companies...they got a flaw when they saw my nice creations on their project databases.

    • avatar
    • Grand Poobah
    • Thu 21 Nov 2002 13:40

    Not specifically related to Domino....but....I would advise never running a SQL query on a logical view that is built with SQL over tables that are millions of records in size. I did that one time in a web agent and it sucked up all the CPU on an AS/400. And on top of that, the only way we could kill it was to IPL the box. Lovely eh?

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Written by Jake Howlett on Mon 18 Nov 2002

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