

What do you get if you cross one of these with one of these and one of these and an account with these? Broadband internet, anywhere in the house, from any PC. Brilliant. I write this watching TV in the living room...


    • avatar
    • Gareth Hay
    • Mon 23 Sep 2002 03:26

    I acheive the same thing with a long phone cable, at a fraction of the cost ;-)

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Mon 23 Sep 2002 03:30

    And a fraction of the speed.

  1. Jake,

    How will all this DSL connect if I don't have a laptop? I have got 3 desktops, and planning to get one of these later when released.

    Thanks for your help.



  2. Yeah, but it's not as quick - and not nearly as flashy:)

    BTW Jake - let everyone know where you live and we can all come round with wireless cards and get free access ;)

  3. Please don't update us if/when you get a connection in the bathroom... that would just be tooo much information!

  4. Netgear's stuff is very good.

    I have a DG814 DSL modem / router at home. It's a 4-port ethernet switch with an ADSL modem in it, and works really well. Only cost me £120 too.

    Wireless is no good for me, 'cause my laptop screen is pants in the sunshine -- and being in the garden is the only reason I'd want to be cable-free!

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Mon 23 Sep 2002 05:05

    Dave - re:toilet. That really would be putting the log in blog ;o)

    Paul - It's using 128bit encryption with my own key so you'll have a job getting on!

    Peter - Take out the wireless part of the equation and you still have a 4port switch that all your PCs can use to connect to the ADSL line throught the built-in router.

    • avatar
    • Chris
    • Mon 23 Sep 2002 08:01

    That 128-bit wep encryption is only so good.

    We have cracked it in short order with some free utilities we hunted down on the web.

    Of course that does not mean that we are not still using it though :)

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Mon 23 Sep 2002 08:04

    The vulnerabilities in WEP (Wireless Encryption Protocol) only come in to it when you use the default keys that the hardware comes with.

    I chose to use my own key that I made up completely randomly. So there ;o)

    • avatar
    • prawnFresh
    • Mon 23 Sep 2002 12:07

    isn't the wep encryption scheme based on an implementation of RC4? if so than it has large flaws which means a modern computer won't take long to crack it!

    • avatar
    • James Jennett
    • Tue 24 Sep 2002 05:06

    You could always connect the server directly to the phone line and have the server do a software authenticate for your wireless connection to the server, rather than the hub itself. In short, use the server as a middleman between the hub/phone and your wireless client.

    Not as neat, but wtf.

    • avatar
    • prawnFresh
    • Tue 24 Sep 2002 06:14

    Here we go Security of the WEP algorithm i was right it is built ont the RC4 stream cipher. By the way I am working on an notes based login system which won't require purchasing of additional licenses, and uses the SHA-1 algorithim to keep the users passwords secure. has anyone else done anything like this? is anyone interested in taking a look after i've built it? - few months away yet!

    • avatar
    • Chris
    • Tue 24 Sep 2002 06:30

    I was just going to point out airsnort which goes into great detail about wep's security flaws.


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Written by Jake Howlett on Sat 21 Sep 2002

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