
Known Issues

Here is a list of the known issues with the current design of CodeStore.

This design works a lot better with Firefox and Mozilla-variant browsers. Although it works in most browsers on most platforms there are a few problems in some.

In Internet Explorer there are currently the following issues:

1. Wrapping Content

If the content div of a page contains an element whose width is greater than 450px the page seems to wrap below the "Details" box on the right.

I consider this a bug of IE and so won't be doing anything to fix it.

2. Flashing Logo

Looks something like this:

If you use IE and your cache settings are to check for updates every time you visit a page you will notice the codestore logo flashes as you hover over it.

This is a "bug" in IE whereby it doesn't cache background images. I'll try and find a workaround but it's low priority for now.

Note: This is now fixed in IE7

Report a Bug Know of any issues not listed here? Get in touch and let me know.