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Reply posted by John Z Marshall on Thu 24 May 2001 in response to Passing arguments to a LotusScript agent

Re: Another way of passing arguments to an agent

I have been using a similar technique for a number of years. I have created a
lotuscript class to parse the document context and access its fields and just
like a notes document
e.g. webDoc.GetItemValue("MyFIeld")(0)
I then access these fields to create and edit documents with added advantage
that Users only have READER access to the database but can submit and edit
Although the class does not work with multipart web forms so you cannot upload
You can also create new forms by just creating web pages and not adding them to
the design of the notes database. So no waiting for the Admin department to
update the design of the database, just add a couple of new web documents to
the database.
You can create a whole web site based on just a few forms and views in the
design of the database.

Jake I have already partly modified your forms Validation database to use this
method if your interested I can send it to you when i have finished.