/***************************************************************** //Loop the view of all articles and create a new HTML file for each one in a folder //called "/database.nsf/articles/" //Files to be named DOC_UNID.html //Subfolder called DOC_UNID/$file/ to be created to store any attachments //All comments to be written to bottom of main index.html file *****************************************************************/ import java.io.*; import lotus.domino.*; import java.util.Vector; import java.text.*; import java.util.Date; public class ZipContent extends AgentBase { Document articleTemp, articleDoc, responseDoc, responseTemp; DocumentCollection responses; View view; PrintWriter outLog, articleLog; InputStream in = null; //used to detach Notes attachments Item item, attachItem; Vector items; int len; boolean success = false; Date now = new Date(); Date created; SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy"); SimpleDateFormat datetime = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MMM.yyyy 'at' HH:mm a"); String slash; public void NotesMain() { try { Session session = getSession(); AgentContext agentContext = session.getAgentContext(); //current database and current document Database db = agentContext.getCurrentDatabase(); Document doc = agentContext.getDocumentContext(); view = db.getView( "demos.calendar" ); //Create a Zip file we can add our files to ZipIt backup = new ZipIt(); slash = System.getProperty("file.separator"); //Get the articles to export from the notesview articleDoc = view.getFirstDocument(); articleTemp = null; //start an index.html to link to all articles articleLog = new PrintWriter( new FileOutputStream( backup.getPath()+slash+"index.html" )); articleLog.println( ""); articleLog.println( ""); articleLog.println( ""+ articleDoc.getItemValueString( "Title") + ""); articleLog.println( ""); articleLog.println( "

DEXT Backup ["+format.format(now)+"]

"); articleLog.println( "

Here's a snapshot of all the calendar entries in DEXT.

"); articleLog.println( "

All Articles

"); //loop through the articles while( articleDoc != null ){ //add a link to this article in main index.html articleLog.println( "

"+articleDoc.getItemValueString( "Title")+"

"); articleLog.println("

Created: "+datetime.format( articleDoc.getCreated().toJavaDate() )+"
"); articleLog.println("

"); //Create a new file for the HTML. PrintWriter outLog = new PrintWriter( new FileOutputStream( backup.getPath()+slash+"articles"+slash+articleDoc.getUniversalID()+".html" )); outLog.println( ""); outLog.println( ""); outLog.println( ""+ articleDoc.getItemValueString( "Title") + ""); outLog.println( ""); outLog.println( "

DEXT Backup ["+format.format(now)+"]

"); outLog.println( "

Back to Index of Articles

"); outLog.println( "

"+articleDoc.getItemValueString( "Title") + "

" ); outLog.println("

Created: "+datetime.format( articleDoc.getCreated().toJavaDate() )+"

"); Vector content = articleDoc.getItemValue("Body"); outLog.println( "
" ); for (int i = 0; i < content.size(); i++) { //Strip hard-coded references to NSF file path String tmp = content.get(i).toString(); outLog.println( tmp.replaceAll("\\/"+db.getFilePath().replaceAll("\\\\", "\\/")+"\\/", "..\\/")); } outLog.println( "
"); //get comments/responses and output them here: responses = articleDoc.getResponses(); if( responses.getCount() != 0 ){ outLog.println( "


" ); responseDoc = responses.getFirstDocument(); responseTemp = null; while( responseDoc != null ){ created = responseDoc.getCreated().toJavaDate(); outLog.println( "
"); outLog.println( "

" + responseDoc.getItemValueString("AuthorsDisplayName") + "

"); outLog.println( "
" + datetime.format(created) + "
"); outLog.println( "
" + responseDoc.getItemValueString("Body") + "
"); outLog.println( "
"); responseTemp = responses.getNextDocument( responseDoc ); responseDoc.recycle(); responseDoc = responseTemp; } } //Any attachments? If so, add to Zip too! //gets all items in the response document items = articleDoc.getItems(); outLog.println( "


"); outLog.println( ""); outLog.println( ""); outLog.println( ""); outLog.flush(); outLog.close(); //Add this new article's html file to the ZIP backup.addFile("articles"+slash+articleDoc.getUniversalID()+".html" ); //Get teh next article to process articleTemp = view.getNextSibling( articleDoc ); articleDoc.recycle(); articleDoc = articleTemp; } articleLog.println( "
"); articleLog.println( "

This backup was created by " + doc.getItemValueString("Remote_User") + " on " + datetime.format(now) + "

"); //Close the index.html in "root" dir articleLog.println( ""); articleLog.println( ""); articleLog.flush(); articleLog.close(); //Add the main index.html file to the ZIP backup.addFile("index.html"); //Close the Zip before we attach it! backup.close(); //Attach the newly created Zip to the current document and then delete from OS RichTextItem Body = (RichTextItem)doc.getFirstItem( "Files" ); Body.embedObject( EmbeddedObject.EMBED_ATTACHMENT, null, backup.getFullZipName(), backup.getFullZipName() ); //Finalise the Zip (deletes the working directory). backup.finalise(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }