Modular Field Validation Script I

Jake Howlett, 8 March 2001

Category: JavaScript; Keywords: with form validate loop

Anybody who does any programming will/should have heard of the "with" statement. I don't know why but I had always assumed this wasn't available in JavaScript. That was until today when I typed it in to Dreamweaver and it turned blue, signifying it as being a keyword.

After a bit of playing around working out what syntax it expected I came up with a solution that will help symplify most JavaScripts that I write.

Imagine we want to validate a form with four fields on it, called "Text1", "Text2", Text3" and "Text4". We could write a function like this:

function validateFields(){
if (document.forms[0].Text1.value == ""){
alert("You need to enter a value for Text1");
document.forms[0].Text1.focus( );
return false;
if (document.forms[0].Text2.value == ""){
alert("You need to enter a value for Text2");
return false;
if (document.forms[0].Text3.value == ""){
alert("You need to enter a value for Text3");
return false;
if (document.forms[0].Text4.value == ""){
alert("You need to enter a value for Text4");
return false;
Nothing wrong with this script, per se. It is a bit heavy on the old fingers though. We could simplify it in to the following function.
function validateFields(){
var frm = document.forms[0];
if (frm.Text1.value == ""){
alert("You need to enter a value for Text1");
return false;
if (frm.Text2.value == ""){
alert("You need to enter a value for Text2");
return false;
if (frm.Text3.value == ""){
alert("You need to enter a value for Text3");
return false;
if (frm.Text4.value == ""){
alert("You need to enter a value for Text4");
return false;
This one is a little easier on the keyboard. But not as much as this next one, which uses the with statement:
function validateFields(){
with (document.forms[0]) {
if (Text1.value == ""){
alert("You need to enter a value for Text1");
return false;
if (Text2.value == ""){
alert("You need to enter a value for Text2");
return false;
if (Text3.value == ""){
alert("You need to enter a value for Text3");
return false;
if (Text4.value == ""){
alert("You need to enter a value for Text4");
return false;
alert("All fields are OK!");
And finally an example form that uses the above script.


So, hopefully, you will remember about the "with" statement next time you find yourself writing out the reference to a single object, over and over. One thing I'm going to add is one gripe I have with the above code. It is not very modular. That is to say, the function repeats the same procedure four times i.e. if then alert then focus. It would make more sense (and make the script easier to maintain) if we used one "if, alert, focus" routine and called it for each of the fields we want validated. To see how this is best done, read this document.