Examples: FreeTimeSearch method
This example finds the first 60-minute time slot available for three people.

Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim window As NotesDateRange
Dim startDateTime As New NotesDateTime("Today")
Dim endDateTime As New NotesDateTime("Tomorrow")
Dim names(1 To 3) As String
Dim freeTime As Variant
Set window = session.CreateDateRange()
Set window.StartDateTime = startDateTime
Set window.EndDateTime = endDateTime
names(1) = "Robert Erikson"
names(2) = "Marybeth McKay"
names(3) = "Kerry Jones"
freeTime = session.FreeTimeSearch _
(window, 60, names, True)
Messagebox Error$
If (freeTime(0) Is Nothing) Then
 Messagebox "No Match Found"
 Forall x In freeTime
 Messagebox x.Text
 End Forall
End If

See Also