replaceItemValue method

Replaces all items of the specified name with one new item, which is assigned the specified value. If the document does not contain an item with the specified name, this method creates a new item and adds it to the document.

Defined in



public Item replaceItemValue(String name, Object value)
   throws NotesException


String name

Object value Return value



To keep the changes, you must call save after calling replaceItemValue.

The IsSummary property of the new item defaults to true, which means that the item value can be displayed in a view or folder.

Do not use this method to replace the value of a rich text item (or MIME entity) unless you want to change it to a text item. To replace the contents of a rich text item, use Document.removeItem or RichTextItem.remove to delete the old item, Document.createRichTextItem to create a new one with the same name, and RichTextItem.appendText and other methods to provide the new content.

Language cross-reference

ReplaceItemValue method in LotusScript NotesDocument class

@SetField function in formula language

@SetDocField function in formula language

FIELD keyword in formula language

See Also