Working with view entries and navigators

For navigation and access, a view or folder supports view entries, view entry collections, and view navigators.

View entries

A ViewEntry object represents a row in a view and can be of type category, document, or total. The following methods access a ViewEntry object:

The ViewNavigator methods (discussed below) return ViewEntry objects, as does getEntryByKey in View.

View entry collections

A ViewEntryCollection object represents zero or more ViewEntry objects of type document (excluding entries of type category and total).

The methods getAllEntries and getAllEntriesByKey in View return ViewEntryCollection objects.

View navigators

A ViewNavigator object provides goto methods to position you at a view entry and get methods to both position you at a view entry and return it.

The following View methods create ViewNavigator objects. A navigator is based on the view calling the method.
See Also