Examples: @Created
1. This example returns 06/23/95 11:36:50 AM for a document created on June 23, 1995, at 11:36:50 A.M.
2. This example returns 8/4/93 3:10:00 PM for a document created on April 4, 1992 at 3:10 P.M.
3. This code, when added as the view selection formula, populates the view with only those documents created after July 23, 2001.
4. If you add the following code as the form formula for a view, all documents created before June 1, 2001 display using the "oldFormat" form and those created on or after June 1 use the "newFormat" form.
5. This view selection formula uses @Created to select only those documents created in the current month. To avoid having the view refresh indicator display, it uses @TextToTime("Today") instead of @Today. Date calculations in views may impact the performance of an application.
See Also