sign method

Signs elements in a database with the signature of the current user.

Note This method is new with Release 6.5.

Defined in



public void sign()
  throws NotesException

public void sign(int documenttype)
  throws NotesException

public void sign(int documenttype, boolean existingsigsonly)
  throws NotesException

public void sign(int documenttype, boolean existingsigsonly, String namestr)
  throws NotesException

public void sign(int documenttype, boolean existingsigsonly, String namestr, boolean namestrisnoteid)
  throws NotesException


int documenttype

boolean existingsigsonly) String namestr
boolean namestrisnoteid Usage

This method signs all design elements of the specified type if you specify parameter 1 and do not specify parameter 3.

If you specify parameter 3, this method signs one design element. You can also specify parameter 1 to positively define the design element. If more than one design element has the same name and parameter 1 is not specified, this method signs the first design element with the specified name.

This method executes only on a workstation.

Language cross-reference

Sign method in LotusScript NotesDatabase class

See Also