Created by Jake Howlett on 06/25/2004. Modified: 06/25/2004 08:17 AM


HTTP Web Server: Lotus Notes Exception - Incorrect data type for operator or @Function


Similar to other error messages but with a slight difference.


Only ever seen this one once. It was because the Window Title of a form included reference to a field name that was spelt wrongly. The field name should have been:


Instead, the "developer" had written:


Notes just couldn't do the math ;o) Didn't seem to mind in the client. Just choked when I came to web-enable the application...

Jake Howlett on 06/25/2004 08:19 AM

In the formula for the dialog list of a credit card's expiry year, the following code caused this error:



I replaced it with this code, and the problem was fixed:


@For(n:=1; n<=10; n:= n + 1; FIELD year:=year:@Text(t1+n));


(It's the @Text in the second formula that actually made the difference)

Luis V. Aguila on 10/25/2004 14:59

Using below formula also will not show the error:




@Failure("There is an error in the Incorrect field");@Success)

sarathi kri on 09/03/2007 03:17 PM

Sorry, forget to change the field name:




@Failure("There is an error in the Incorrect field");@Success)

sarathi on 09/03/2007 03:18 PM

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