Created by Gustaf on 10/24/2006. Modified: 10/24/2006 06:27 AM


Database XX.nsf has not been opened yet


Get this in a Java agent called from a page with Ajax


the user does not have access to database

AbhishekS on 12/02/2008 12:36 AM

The given path to the database is not accurate and database cannot be found.

Georgi on 08/22/2009 04:08 AM

Remote user is not properly connected to the network...through VPN or internet connection.

Wayne MacKirdy on 03/29/2010 01:56 PM

If you are accessing local domino databases,and if parameters are not properly passed in creating session or getting database,then you may get this error

also check if you can manually open the database(just to ensure that it is not corrupted)

Soumya on 11/11/2010 07:10 AM

Add accessing server to the 'Trusted Server' field in the server doc of the server that is being accessed. R6 field I think.

mike on 01/05/2011 05:07 AM

For scheduled agents that access databases on different servers, assuming 'trusted server' field is filled in, database exists, and ACL is correct, the issue could be that the source server has never connected with the target server. For example, a new server is added. In our case, using fqdn not IP address in the server document.

Run Notes client (nlnotes.exe) on source server, and do a port trace. If you get 'server is not a known tcp/ip host', do a trace using the server's IP. This will update the server document (of the source server) with the name and ip of the target server.

LesR on 11/22/2011 03:15 PM

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