Created by Anonymous on 09/23/2004. Modified: 09/23/2004 10:44


getting msg you cannot use mail while domino server is running etc etc


When the user attempts to run Lotus Notes the folloeing error message is displayed:

"getting msg you cannot use mail while domino server is running etc etc"


The user needs to be set as an admin, or at least have the same rights for that folder. My problem was I had the user added locally, and not for the domain. Try that first.

Nate on 03/16/2005 14:37

The user doesn't need to be in the Administrator group but they do need to have full access to the Program Files\lotus directory - when the client runs (assuming a single user install) it writes to files within that directory.

Roland on 05/12/2005 03:53

This also happens when the same user has their email open in two different locations at once. They need to close one of them, and everything should work fine.

Jason on 06/02/2005 14:29

Among the notes userfiles like desktop names etc, a file called ~notes.lck is written during the start of the client program (notes.exe). When a program termination is enforced this file is not erased, as it is by normal program closure. Delete this file before starting the notes client.

Peter on 08/08/2005 10:24 AM

Go to the C:\ drive , right click on the Notes folder > Properties > Security tab

"Everyone" was removed for this and user that was logged on only had "read @ execute" permission's

Add "Everyone" into list and give it full control.

Ajit Pingle on 03/27/2007 07:29 PM

This error came up on Windows Vista on the Lotus notes version 6.5.3. When i restarted the machine it worked and later I figured out that this happpend becoz there was an other user who was logged in to my Vista machine on whose profile Lotus notes was loaded and was running at the back end. So once the other users were logged off it worked fine for me.

Sree on 03/28/2007 12:31 AM

C:\ drive , right click on the Notes folder > Properties > Security tab

"Everyone" was removed for this and user that was logged on only had "read @ execute" permission's

Add "Everyone" into list and give it full control.

Ajit Laxman Pingle on 10/05/2007 05:25 PM

This error ocurs when Lotus Notes client R7 is installed on Vista.

You need to install R8 on Vista.



Ali Makooie on 01/07/2009 02:58 AM

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