Created by Uttara Ligade on 06/26/2008. Modified: 06/26/2008 09:44 AM


Function Requires a valid ADT argument


This error is caused due to "Dangling Reference" i.e. Whenever we try to refer to the object that is not present in the memory.

For example:

Whenever we are trying to delete the document.

Do Until (doc1 Is Nothing)
'...Do Something to doc1...
Call doc1.remove(True)
Set doc1 = col.getnextdocument(doc1)

As seen in above example. doc1 is deleted first and then same is set to get next document. At this point of time notes will throw error.

To avoid it. Use another temporary notesdocument.

For example:

Do Until (doc1 Is Nothing)
'...Do Something to doc1...
Set temp = col.getnextdocument(doc1)
Call doc1.remove(True)
Set doc1 = temp

And your problem is solved


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